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    Hotel Divani Palace Acropolis (Atina, Grčka)


    Hotel Divani Palace Acropolis (Atina, Grčka)

    Divani Palace Acropolis - detalji

    Divani Palace Acropolis is an iconic hotel showcasing the best of Athens. Just meters away from the world-famous Acropolis this is the perfect place to savor Athens fascinating history. Divani Palace Acropolis offers a variety of rooms & suites that satisfy each guest and embraces how heritage and modernity blend in perfect harmony. Each room comes equipped with a minibar, complimentary Wi-Fi, en-suite bathroom, climate control, safe, desk and flat screen television. As well guests of the hotel will enjoy 24 hour reception, outdoor swimming pool, a state of the art fitness center and steam room. In regards to dining, Divani Palace Acropolis guests can choose from room service, drinks or a snacks at the D Bar or enjoy a fine meal at the Roof Garden Bar or Aspassia restaurant. Unique details can be discovered in every corner making it the perfect base to take a time journey through the history of Athens.

    Najvažniji sadržaji

    • WiFi u lobiju
    • WiFi u sobama
    • Bazen
    • Parking
    • Dozvoljeni kućni ljubimci
    • Klima
    • Restoran
    • Bar u hotelu
    • Fitnes centar


    • 19-25 Parthenonos, 
    • 11742, 
    • Atina, 
    • Grčka

    Pregled Ocena

    • LokacijaOdlično  (9.1 / 10)
    • SobeDobro  (7.6 / 10)
    • UslugaVrlo dobro  (8.3 / 10)
    • ČistoćaVrlo dobro  (8.4 / 10)
    • Vrednost za novacDobro  (7.6 / 10)

    Svi sadržaji

    Sadržaji u objektu
    1. Poslovne prostorije
    2. Kafić
    3. Lobi
    4. Brza prijava i odjava
    5. Lift
    6. Teretana
    7. Parking
    8. Terasa
    9. Nosač/raznošenje prtljaga
    10. Dozvoljeni kućni ljubimci
    11. Bar u hotelu
    12. Bar na plaži
    Za decu
    1. Čuvanje dece
    1. Prilaz za osobe sa invaliditetom
    2. Hotel sa prilazom za invalide
    Wellness / Spa
    1. Sauna
    Sadržaji u sobi
    1. Balkon
    2. Kada
    3. Kupatilo sa tušem
    4. Pribor za peglanje
    5. Prozori koji se otvaraju
    6. Televizija
    7. Fen za kosu
    8. Grejanje
    9. Klimatizacija
    10. Mini-bar
    11. TV koji se plaća
    12. Satelitski TV kanali
    Sportski objekti
    1. Iznajmljivanje bicikala
    2. Fitnes
    Tema / tip
    1. Hotel za kongrese
    Hrana i piće
    1. Košer hrana
    2. Hrana za dijabetičare

    Prijava / Odjava

    1. Dolazak: 14:00
    2. Odlazak: 12:00


    19-25 Parthenonos11742Atina, Grčka
    Telefon: +30(21)09280100 | 

    Frequently Asked Questions about Divani Palace Acropolis

    • Is there a pool area at Divani Palace Acropolis?

      Yes, Divani Palace Acropolis offers 2 pool areas.

    • Are pets allowed at Divani Palace Acropolis?

      Yes, Divani Palace Acropolis has a pet policy that may vary based on the room type or availability. Please check with the hotel directly to learn about their pet policy.

    • Is parking available at Divani Palace Acropolis?

      Yes, Divani Palace Acropolis provides Parking for guests.

    • What time is check-in and check-out at Divani Palace Acropolis?

      Prijava za Divani Palace Acropolis je dostupna od: . Vreme odjave je do .

    • Where is Divani Palace Acropolis located?

      Divani Palace Acropolis is located in 19-25 Parthenonos, 11742, Atina, Grčka.

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